The Effectts of Thinking Style and Self-Efficacy for conflict Management of the Headmaster of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in South Tapanuli Nort Sumatera

The problem of this researcch is subject to be know (1) The effect of thinking styles for conflict mamagements, (2) The effect of self efficacy for conflict managements, (3) the effects of thinking styles and self efficacy for conflict management. Its population is exhaustive of the headmasters of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in south Tapanuli of North Sumatera Provincs. Collecting data of the research by documents, questioner and observation. Analiysis method is Band (Parth analysis). Hypothesis from this research to explained direct effect of thinking style, self-efficacy, conflict management to leadershif effectivity and explained indirect of effect thinking style, self efficacy to leadershif effectivity by conflict management.
This observation result are (1) Conflict management influencec to leadershif effectiveness, (2) Thinking styless influences to conflict, management, (3) influence Thinking styless, self efficacy, to conflictmanagement.
Keywords: Thinking Styles  Self Efficacy, Conflict Management.

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